Reset MYSQL password
How to Reset a MySQL Password: Stop the mysqld daemon process, [root@host ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld stop Stopping MySQL: [ OK ] Start the mysqld daemon process with the –skip-grant-tables option, [root@host ~]# /etc/init.d/mysqld start –skip-grant-tables Starting MySQL: [ OK ] Start the mysql client with the -u root option, [root@host ~]# mysql -u root -p Enter…
Mount VirtualBox shares under Ubuntu guest
Scenario: Snow Leopard (Mac OSX) as host, Ubuntu 9.10 as guest (Virtual Box virtualization). I want to share files from Leopard to Ubuntu. Create a shared folder in VirtualBox — Ubuntu guest settings Create mount directory in ubuntu sudo mkdir /mnt/Downloads Mount share (created in step one) sudo mount.vboxsf Downloads /mnt/Downloads/ URL: http://blogs.sun.com/tao/entry/virtual_box_shared_folder_between
How to recover deleted files from usb flash drive?
What do you need? dd foremost enough space for recoverd flash drive data How to do it? # dd if=/dev/sdX of=/home/username/XY-file-name.image # foremost XY-file-name.image -o output /dev/sdX <— path to usb flash drive /home/username/XY-file-name.image <— path to save image of recovered data from flash drive Where on internet I found a solution? URL: http://www.corythompson.net/index.php/recover-deleted-data-from-usb-flash-drive-with-foremost/
How to going 64bit in Snow Leopard?
Very simple indeed. Just press 4 and 6 while booting the system (until apple shows). Easy enough? I tested on MacBookPro4,1
Disk recovery with ddrescue
If everything goes wrong there is always ddrescue. Use it with Ubuntu Live CD (I used 9.10 with enabled universe repository) and you are a winner. Syntax is simple; ddrescue /dev/hdX /dev/hdY hdX – damaged disk hdY- disk for backup That’s it. Simple enough?
Cisco dictionary
term mon – monitoring activities on the switch term no mon – disable monitoring show cdp neighbors – show conneced device to specific device en – enable administrator mode conf t – switch to configuration mode
Linux dictionary
setxkbmap us <— change keyboard layout to us update-alternatives –config editor <— change default editor shutdown -rF now <— force file system check after reboot dpkg –get-selections <— list installed application on Debian based Linux growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/hdb=xxx.iso <— burn dvd iso image echo “/sbin/reboot” | at 1am <— restart server (computer) at 1am…
Problems with starting Exchange 2007 (sp1) server after reboot
Solution: 1. run gpupdate /force /sync from command line 2. from services start Microsoft Exchange Information Store or. you can have problems with system time.
Mac OS X Shortcuts (slovenian keyboard)
alt + ž = \ (backslash) shift + alt + ž = | alt + š = [ alt + ð = ] shift + alt + š = { shift + alt + ð = } alt + n = ~ alt + ć = ^ shift + alt + 2 = @ shift…
Convert Windows XP Home to Professional
To convert and upgrade Windows XP Home to Windows XP Professional, follow procedure below. 1. Open Registry Editor (regedit). 2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet00X/Control/ProductOptions, where ControlSet00X is the one with the highest number. 3. Delete the ProductSuite registry key. 4. Then, create a new DWORD value and named it as Brand. 5. Set the “Brand” value…