Mac OS X commands
hdiutil burn -fullerase <— completely erase optical rw media alt + command + p + r <— force reboot macbook pro
Mount VirtualBox shares under Ubuntu guest
Scenario: Snow Leopard (Mac OSX) as host, Ubuntu 9.10 as guest (Virtual Box virtualization). I want to share files from Leopard to Ubuntu. Create a shared folder in VirtualBox — Ubuntu guest settings Create mount directory in ubuntu sudo mkdir /mnt/Downloads Mount share (created in step one) sudo mount.vboxsf Downloads /mnt/Downloads/ URL: http://blogs.sun.com/tao/entry/virtual_box_shared_folder_between
How to going 64bit in Snow Leopard?
Very simple indeed. Just press 4 and 6 while booting the system (until apple shows). Easy enough? I tested on MacBookPro4,1